Pam Gowing’s Stories

I am a newcomer to the art of writing
Norah’s classes are fun and exciting.
When I started I was in the dark
She soon explained the ‘story arc’
And how we could make a story function
When it relies on sound construction.
And various tips, like ‘Showing not telling,’
Or when we edit, to check our spelling.
How if reading aloud causes a stammer
Then we need to re-assess our grammar.
But it isn’t all serious, so please don’t run,
For “Writer’s Pen” is full of fun,
Supportive classmates meet and chat
Then Norah tells us this and that.
Followed on by juicy prompts
Then across the page our story romps
And when the writing period ends
We can read aloud to our lovely friends
“Oh, I can’t write.” I hear your growling
Whilst comparing yourself to JK Rowling
But banish that thought, and quash that cry
For you never know if you never try.