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Transform Your Writing Journey with Social Media Power
Elevate Your Writing Career with these Social Media Mastery mini-courses!
Imagine reaching thousands of eager readers, building a loyal fanbase, and promoting your books like a pro. With expert guidance from The Writer’s Pen, you can master Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest to make this a reality.
Don’t miss this opportunity to take your writing career to the next level. Join today and start your journey to social media success!
What you’ll get from these mini-courses

Strategic Insights: Learn how to effectively use each major social media platform—Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest—to maximise your visibility and engagement.

Practical Tools: Implement actionable strategies that can lead to tangible increases in follower engagement and book sales.

Customised Content: Each course is crafted with authors in mind, ensuring you receive the most relevant and impactful information.
What You’ll Learn
Using Facebook for Authors
Setting Up Your Author Page
Engaging with Your Audience
Utilising Facebook Ads
Using Twitter for Authors
Optimising Your Profile
Engaging with the Twitter Community
Promoting Your Book on Twitter
Using Instagram for Authors
Creating a Visually Appealing Profile
Content Creation and Engagement
Promoting Your Book on Instagram
Using YouTube for Authors
Setting Up Your YouTube Channel
Creating Engaging Content
Promoting Your Book on YouTube
Using Pinterest for Authors
Setting Up Your Pinterest Profile
Pinning and Engaging
Promoting Your Book on Pinterest